Computers Program.
AMF donates 30 laptops to Dombotombo, Chamatendera, and Wenimbi Primary Schools, embracing the call for digital inclusion and building the capacities of underprivileged communities to contribute to the global economy meaningfully.
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Vendor Plus Program.
The Foundation rolled out a Vendor Profiling exercise in Marondera, creating a Vendors ‘s network that is strategically distributed and bankable. The aim is to assist and support the local vendors, improve their livelihood, and increase their sales.
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The Adam Molai Foundation drills boreholes for the Marondera Community.

Maheu Feeding Program.

Improving the quality of education in Zimbabwe

Pupils Fed Daily
Maheu Feeding in class.
My Skill
Av. Class Attendance 92%
My Skill
Av. Pass Rate 57%

This program brings so much relief to most Teachers who were finding it difficult to ignore dire cases of pupils who come to school on an empty stomach. 

Chamatendere Primary


career day.

Gaining insight into the journey of society's role models, a guide for career choices. 

AMF held a career guidance day at Nagel House School in March 2023 targeting examination classes sitting for Odinary and Advanced level. This event provides students with an opportunity to gain an insight into the journey of prominent members of society as a guide for their career choices. Several exhibitors showcased their services and products. Extending our sincere gratitude to Econet, Proton Bakery, Agritex, ZB Bank, and ZRP, as well as our prominent motivational guest speakers, Vicky Ruzvidzo, the editor of Sunday Mail and former Nagle House student, who is Langa Cosmetics CEO and former Miss Universe Zimbabwe, Langa Sibanda-Lloyd.

Nutritional Gardens.

Thinking Entrepreneurial, Growing Local Strong Economies

The drilling of the boreholes in Marondera has yielded positive results to the community. The Foundation leveraged the improved access to water to implement the nutritional gardens project. Beneficiaries managed to plant different types of vegetables with the assistance of Agritex. The project complements the families’ diverse dietary needs. The project benefits 32 families drawn from the community. The Foundation invites experts to the farmers’ field days to train the beneficiaries on crop rotation, pest and disease control, seed bed making and horticulture calendar, thus the type of vegetables to plant and when to plant them. Implementing the nutritional gardens project in urban areas helps to promote improved nutrition and food security.

Wellness Events.

Improving health behaviours, Increasing Productivity and the Quality of Life!

The Adam Molai Foundation partners wellness services providers to hold quarterly Wellness Days. To mention Nyaradzo Group, Friends of the Environment and Proton Bakeries. Some of the stakeholders who make the event a success are the National Family Planning, Ministry of Youth, the Ministry of Health and Child Care, and the Zimbabwe Republic Police.

Computers Program.

Improving health behaviours, Increasing Productivity and the Quality of Life!

Agricultural Initiative.

Addressing Entrepreneurial Inadequacies, from Subsistence to Commercial Farming

The Foundation’s agricultural initiative in Mutoko Dowera village trained community members on farming as a business, a transformation from subsistence to entrepreneurial farmers. The Foundation partnered with Disaster and Environmental Management Trust and the Ministry of Agriculture. We have 35 beneficiaries trained on farming as business. The Foundation in partnership with Getbucks Bank held financial literacy training for the Dorowera community in Mutoko. We had a total of 44 farmers trained. The scheme grows a variety of products such as vegetables, fruits, and grains such as rice and beans. The initiative holds immense potential to uplift this agricultural community, promote entrepreneurship, and spur development in Dorowera. 

Sewing Project.

Sustainable Transitioning from Relief Aid to Uplifted Communities

The Foundation has engaged the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education for partnership in the sewing project. This project creates opportunities for vulnerable communities to advance economically and be self-sustainable. Nyameni High School with assistance from the ministry offered their facilities and a trainer for the commencement of the sewing project.

Soap Making Project.

Sustainable Transitioning from Relief Aid to Uplifted Communities

Vendor Plus Program.

Creating a Strategic and Bankable Network for Supplier Onboarding

The Foundation in partnership with Suppliers, rolled out a Vendor Profiling exercise in Marondera, creating a Vendors ‘s network that is strategically distributed and bankable. The intention or aim of this program is to assist and support the local vendors, improve their livelihood, and increase their sales. Up to date, a total of 35 vendors were profiled and 15 vendors were selected as part of the first group.

Scholarship Program.

Unlocking the Potential of Deserving Students and Breaking the Poverty Cycle