
Adam Molai Foundation in partnership with DEMT assesses knowledge gaps and training needs of Dorowera Irrigation Scheme farmers

Adam Molai Foundation in partnership with DEMT has taken a study under Sustainable Transformative Entrepreneurial Farming (STEF) Project, which is being implemented at the Dorowera Irrigation Scheme in Mutoko rural district of Zimbabwe.

The study assessed knowledge gaps and training needs of Dorowera Irrigation Scheme farmers in farming as a business, financial literacy, and marketing in order to develop a capacity-building plan tailored to the smallholder farmers’ specific needs.

The study also aimed at capitalizing on the farmers’ strengths, lay out the philosophical and andragogic approaches to the capacity-building plan for smallholder farmers, and outline the various areas of capacity required by Dorowera Irrigation smallholder farmers.

A group of 20 smallholder farmers from Dorowera Irrigation Scheme, representing 20 households with an average household size of 6 people each, were interviewed. These farmers comprised of 9 females and 11 males. A focused group discussion approach was used, and pre-designed questionaires were distributed to each of the 20 farmers in order for them to provide detailed responses.