The call for sustainability cannot be overemphasised...

Adam Molai Foundation holds a strong belief that beneficiaries must play a significant role in thought processes towards achieving lasting solutions. All interventions are largely informed by beneficiary needs. The foundation encourages and supports the design and development of local interventions that are entrepreneurial and sustainable. Great interventions create more opportunities, promote personal growth, development and ultimately uplift communities.

The foundation takes a three tier approach in the intervention design.


At the first tier, AMF structures responses that address immediate needs. These may be classified as disaster responses. At this tier, the intervention seeks to mitigate extreme threats to life such as but not limited to the effects of natural disasters, and health outbreaks.

In the wake of limited resources generally, the foundation has set criteria to trigger related interventions. The response design equally attempts to address the recovery, mitigation and preparedness efforts so as to minimise the risk of recurrence and extreme impact. – Response


The second tier focuses on building local capacities to conceptualise entrepreneurial and sustainable initiatives that promote local growth and development.

The foundation provides the necessary support and a conducive environment for unique ideas that work. Interventions such as but not limited to community training, mentorships, coaching, exchange and familiarisation programmes, twinning arrangements, scholarships and start-up capital, are implemented through the progression of developing local entrepreneurial initiatives. – Capacitate


At the third tier, AMF connects the local unique successful entrepreneurial ventures to global markets. These are the Adam Molai Foundation success stories which serve to inspire and motivate scaling in other underprivileged communities.

Interventions at this tier include testimonials, participation at exhibitions and trade fairs and integration into the global economy. The foundation draws programming lessons from such successful models to inform and improve further support mechanisms in needing communities. – Connect