About the Foundation


The Adam Molai Foundation was established in 2016 with the mission of providing the essential resources to enhance the living standards of the most marginalized members of society. Our organization strives to support communities through long-term, sustainable projects and initiatives. Registered under the Zimbabwe Private Voluntary Organization Act (Chapter 17:05), AMF aims to implement self-sufficient, income-generating schemes in vulnerable areas, while also encouraging environmentally conscious attitudes.

In order to fulfil these goals, we have been feeding 500 people 4 days a week and have provided over 2000 students with mahewu, a nutritious drink 5 days a week, helping to improve productivity and reduce absenteeism. We have also worked to give our communities access to clean water by drilling boreholes, allowing thousands of people to benefit.

In addition to these efforts, the Adam Molai Foundation offers scholarships to 5 students in South Africa and 2 in Zimbabwe. Moreover, our organization has established a soap-making facility that is staffed by individuals formerly in the feeding programme. The profits from a local school tuck shop, run by the Foundation, have been used to pay school fees for disadvantaged students.